Menchaca & Cia – Abogados

Tomás Menchaca Olivares

Founding Partner of Menchaca & Cía.

Tomás Menchaca is recognized as a prominent lawyer and academic, especially in the area of ​​Competition Law. He works as an advisor, litigator or informant in matters of competition law and regulated markets, and is an Arbitrator at CAM Santiago. In the academic field, he is a professor of Economic Law at the Faculty of Law of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, he teaches classes in postgraduate courses and he is Director of the Competition Law Program at the same university.

Tomás Menchaca is also a lawyer and advisor in corporate matters, and in civil and commercial litigation of important companies in the country in the areas of investment, fishing, aquaculture, shipping, processing industry, petrochemical, paper, agroindustry, energy and real estate, among others.

He also has been President of the Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia (TDLC) between 2010 and 2016, Minister of the same tribunal between 2004 and 2010, and member of the Honorable Comisión Resolutiva, predecessor of the TDLC, between 1997 and 1999.

Areas of Practice

  • Competition Law
  • Regulated markets
  • Dispute resolution and arbitration


  • Lawyer (1987) Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Law School

Academic activities

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Faculty of Law

  • Professor of Economic Law I and II (1993-today)
  • Professor of Abuse of Dominant Position (2021-today)
  • Professor of Competition Law Jurisprudence (2019-2020)
  • Professor of Diploma in Competition Law (2009-today)
  • Professor of Diploma in Data Protection (2022-today)
  • Professor of Diploma in Consumer Law (2019)
  • Professor of Diploma in Intellectual Property (2008-2018)
  • Professor of Diploma in Economic Administrative Law (2005-2016)
  • Professor of Course in New Competition Law and Institutions (2005)

Universidad de Chile, Faculty of Law

  • Professor of Diploma in Competition Law and Regulation (2011)

Universidad de Los Andes, Faculty of Law

  • Professor of Economic Law (1992-1997)
  • Professor of Competition Law at the Master of Laws Programme (2004-2012)

Universidad Finis Terrae, Faculty of Law

  • Professor of Diploma in Competition Law (2020)
  • Professor of Diploma in Intellectual Property (2008-2009)

Universidad Católica del Norte, Faculty of Law

  • Professor of Economic Law I, II and III (1992-2003)

Universidad Austral de Valdivia, Faculty of Law

  • Professor of Economic Law I, II and III (1990-1993)

Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins, Faculty of Law

  • Professor of Economic Law (1996-1999)


  • Chapter in book “Nuevo Sistema de Libre Competencia”, Editorial Rubicón, 2022, titled “El Arte de Administrar Justicia. Nuevo Régimen de Nuevo Régimen de Multas en el Derecho de la Libre Competencia Chileno”.
  • “Interlocking y Participaciones Minoritarias en el Derecho Chileno de la Libre Competencia” Revista de Derecho Editorial Themis 2020.
  • Comment on Book “La Constitución Económica, María Pía Silva Gallinato y Miriam Henríquez. Editorial Legal Publishing, 2015,”. Revista de Derecho Público de la Universidad de Chile, Nº 83, p. 211-217.
  • “¿Se debe Sancionar la Fijación a Público de Precios Excesivos?” in book “La Libre Competencia en el Chile del Bicentenario”, Ed. Thomson Reuters, 2011.
  • “Libre Competencia y Competencia Desleal en la Ley Nº 20.169, ¿Existe Contradicción entre Ambas Disciplinas?”, in book “Competencia Desleal, Análisis crítico y elementos para la aplicación de la Ley Nº 20.169, de 2007, Universidad de los Andes, Faculty of Law.
  • “Evolución del Antiguo al Nuevo Sistema”, Revista Anales de Derecho UC, Temas de Libre Competencia Nº 2, 2007.
  • “Las Nuevas Formas de Contratación Mercantil”, Revista de Derecho de la Universidad Católica del Norte (1993, Nº 1).
  • “La Etica Económica: sus aspectos fundamentales”. Rev. Derecho (Valdivia), dic. 1992, vol.3.

Relevant Positions

  • Director of the Programme of Competition Law, Faculty of Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2024-today).
  • Columnist at El Mercurio Legal, section on Economic Regulation (2023-today)
  • Arbitrator at the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Santiago Chamber of Commerce (2016-hoy).
  • Member of the Advisory Committee for the creation of Public Administration career at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
  • Member of the International Advisory Committee of the Institute for Consumer Antritust Studies Loyola University Chicago School of Law (2012-today).
  • Member of the Legal Circle of ICARE (2016-2023)


  • Recipient of the Prize “Roberto Peragallo Silva”, Faculty of Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2018)
  • Recipient of the Prize to Distinguished Alumni, Faculty of Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2004)
  • Highlighted in the 2003/2004 edition of Global Counsel 3000 for his performance in Competition Law (2004)
  • Recipient of the Prize “Matrícula de Honor”, Faculty of Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (1981)
  • Recipient of the Scholarship “Presidente de la República” (1981)


  • President of Chile’s Competition Court (TDLC) (2010-2016)
  • Judge of Chile’s Competition Court (2004-2010)
  • Member of the Antimonopolies Resolutive Commission (predecessor of Chile’s Competition Court) (1996-1998)
  • Associate at Silva & Silva Abogados (1984-1996)


  • Spanish
  • English